Maryse Schouella was born in the Middle-East in Alexandria/Egypt and had an English Education since she was a child of 5 years old. I lived in Alexandria for twenty years and then I emigrated to France in Paris where I started my professional career as a bilingual secretary. I tayed in Paris for about four years. Thence I got married and came to Brazil in 1961 where I have been living and will be celebrating 50 years that I live in Brazil in June 2011.
I am also the happy Mother of a Mentally Handicapped Daughter, living in an Assisted Residence where she is being better taken care of. As the good saying says, a child is never our propriety/belonging to the universe. I can also take care of my life working as a Poet/Teacher/Translator and being happy to know myself as a human-being and a professional. Dany, my daughter, has enabled me to have a constant growth in life.