Thru A Blindman's Vision

Thru A Blindman's Vision

Author : Levi James Baldwin III
Binding : Paperback (pp: 78)
ISBN : 81-8253-035-0
Publisher : Poizonous Pen Publishing, Netherlands
Pub.Date : 2005
Price : $15

A native of Springfield, Massachusetts, Levi James Baldwin III has been living in Amsterdam, Holland, for several years. Although he was trained in biochemistry (Springfield College, Springfield, Massachusetts) and biotechnology (Laney College, Oakland, California), he is a writer and performing artist, not a technician. He has been writing short fiction, poetry, and music for sixteen years and has published short works of fiction and poetry in The Alden Street Review, Taj Mahal Review, Journey to Timbooktu, and numerous anthologies from online websites. He was the featured artist for the month of September 2001 and has published his first book Murder 101 available now through Dorrance Publishing ( The best way to get to know Levi J. Baldwin III, Poizonous Pen Publishing Company or Vinumous Records is to log onto his website and appreciate the rest of his artistic expressions.

Skin Deep          

The beauty of a face... 
is only skin deep. 
While a smiles beauty... 
can cause relaxed sleep. 
One must be weary of smiles... 
that don't reach the eyes. 
That usually means the person... 
isn't truly smiling inside. 
It's always the most attractive... 
people physically who abuse trust. 
Maybe their outer beauty causes... 
some inner psychological lust. 
That can only be satisfied by... 
having the attention of many. 
At the cost of their significant other... 
who gave affection aplenty. 
They say never trust a pretty face... 
because the persons ugly on the inside. 
In most cases it's true.
personal experience can't be denied.

About Levi James Baldwin III

A native of Springfield, Massachusetts, Levi James Baldwin III has been living in Amsterdam, Holland, for several years. Although he was trained in biochemistry (Springfield College, Springfield, Massachusetts) and biotechnology (Laney College, Oakland, California), he is a writer and performing artist, not a technician.

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