Tao Kampf

Tao Kampf

Author : AZsacra ZARATHUSTRA
Binding : Paperback
ISBN : 978-81-8253-105-5
Publisher : Cyberwit.net
Pub.Date : 2008
Price : $15

AZsacra ZARATHUSTRA's fame and greatness as a poet is based on the clarity of his exceptional vision. Nowhere is this better displayed than in his latest collection Tao Kampf. As a poetic artist, AZsacra is able to pack his thought in the fewest possible words. No doubt, AZsacra's Tao Kampf can only be enjoyed in its own terms, because these innovative poems provide a new start to the history of world poetry. Dr. Johnson very aptly says: "Every new genius produces some innovation which, when invented and approved, subverts the rules which the practice of foregoing authors had established." The unusual beauty of AZsacra's poetry is the unfolding of new forms which are fresh, new and spontaneous, not hampered by stale convention and decorum. Oswert Sitwell wisely says, "You cannot write well in the idiom of the day before yesterday."


Azsacra Zarathustra is a well known Indo-Aryan philosopher and poet-mystic. He is Editorial Advisor for the international journal of poetry and art "Harvests of New Millennium" (India). He is published in India, Tibet, Japan, Germany, Norway, England, USA.

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