By a Norwegian sailor - stunning, candid reflections of a life on sea and land.
Published by, 2007, ISBN 978-81-8253-121-5, First Edition, 140 pages, paperback, $15,00.
HOMECOMING is the third one of a triptych of poems: End Of A Voyage, Homeward Bound, Homecoming.
Hansen takes us on an unforgettable journey through his life as a high seas roller. An adventure of brilliant insights. His love, respect and understanding of both nature and humanity with all its foibles. He shocks us into another world with humour and pathos. All masterfully written in prose, poetry and senryu of literary signifance.
Jan Oskar Hansen makes us his shipmate and companion on a journey of a lifetime where we experience through his writing, each powerful, immediate, enlightening observations. His fresh individuality leads us to worlds of wonder, delights us in earthy pleasures with a philosophical twist. We become part of the tapestry he has woven of his multifaceted experiences.
We feel his emotions and passion for the written word as he witnesses many cultures, learns new languages and grows his imagination which is at once 'dazzling', thought provoking, candid, richly spiced with intimacy, dream, reality and vast visual vistas of profound awareness of nature in all its vitality.
In conclusion, here is an example of what you will find in HOMECOMING, Jan Oskar Hansen's most recent brilliant achievement.
She's and old tramp ship now, can't afford to hire proper crew, only harbour dregs, to take her to the next port. For some of us she's home we try to keep her afloat a lick of paint here and there when it can be bought cheap or stolen from a warehouse, that's getting hard now that all cargo are shipped by containers, locked and sealed. She was riding yellow swells, off Hock van Holland, when news come she's to be sold as scrap iron the dregs are glad to be ashore bellies full of rum king. For us who loved the old lady it's sad day, for us she will be the last ship, we know well that we don't fit the new merchant navy regime, roll on roll off no time for poker and a little whisky.
The angry ocean
Left its irate foam behind
In secret coves
In the morning breeze I can hear you voice
softly calling my name
in the haze I can see
the contours of you face
In the meadow's stream
I hear you laughter and
the water in the well is as clear as your tears
the day you said farewell
All in nature reminds me of you,
transient our love, like the flowering almond tree;
beauty never lasts and it was yesteryear.
Love is overrated
The cynical sardonically say
But it keeps us sane
Literary review (2008) by Barbara Elizabeth Mercer, Author, Poet, Visual Artist ( Canada ) based upon 'Homecoming', published by, 2007, ISBN978-81-8253-121-15 First Edition
JAN OSKAR HANSEN ( Portugal ). His poems have been published in 20 literary magazines worldwide, including:
Hudson Review, USA, Skyline, USA, Skald, Wales, La rue Bella, England, The Bards, England, War is a dangerous place, England, The Black Mountain Review, Ireland, ARS Poetica India, India, Braquemard, England, Firefly Magazine, USA, Pphoo, India, Taj Mahal Review, India, Remark Magazine, USA, Journal of Anglo-Scandinavian Poetry, England.
His poems appear in many anthologies. Collections 'Letters from Portugal' (bewrite books) Bristol, 'La Strada' Lapwing Publishers), Belfast, 'End of Voyage' (WFP New York), 'Marilyn Monroe Remembered' Erbacce Press, Liverpool, 'The Fairground' Ranch, India (out of print now).
Jan Oskar Hansen is a poet, story teller and seafarer, born in Stavanger, Norway. He joined the merchant navy at 15 and spent most of his life at sea until settling in the early 90's in Portugal. His poetry has been widely published in hard copy and online, worldwide. Reviewers have generally commented that a love and honoring of living things stands out in Hansen's work, and deep humility; that it reveals with unflinching honesty man's shortcomings in his efforts to love, telling what there is to tell in a first person, deeply resident universal voice.
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