The Death of Overman

The Death of Overman

Author : Azsacra Zarathustra
Binding : Paperback, Russian 125 pages
ISBN : 978-5-7114-0349-4
Publisher :
Pub.Date :
Price : $25

The first volume of the philosophical Corps of the "OVER WITHOUT MAN"/ÜBER OHNE MENSCHEN (11 volumes) under the name "The Death of the Overman" finishes the basic incomplete work of Friedrich Nietzsche "DER WILLE ZUR MACHT" [THE WILL TO POWER]. In the book shown alle die Treppen des Übermenschen/All Levels of the Overman, and also All Levels to DER ABSOLUTE ÜBER/THE TOTAL OVER. Accordingly: Sakral-Übermensch-Konzept, at last, it is victoriously finished in India and Russia.


Azsacra Zarathustra is a well known Indo-Aryan philosopher and poet-mystic. He is Editorial Advisor for the international journal of poetry and art "Harvests of New Millennium" (India). He is published in India, Tibet, Japan, Germany, Norway, England, USA.

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