The poems in this book, I hope, will serve as a bridge to connect me with the hearts of the readers. In the age of advanced information and communications technology, networks are easily and instantly created, but technology cannot help people conquer aloofness unless hearts speak to hearts. Poems - the fountain of emotions- can pave the way for inter-heart connectivity. When I say so, I mean that I have versified not only the feelings billowing in my heart or the thoughts overwhelming my mind but also the emotions that fellow human beings might be experiencing under certain situations. What others feel I could feel!
Romi Jain is a poet, novelist and marketing professional. She is currently a Marketing Coordinator in a California-based software company. She did her MBA from San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California. She also holds M.A. and B.A. (Hons.) degrees. Romi has published her debut novel The Storm Within (Indiana, USA, 2008); published poems in International Zeitschrift, Journal of Poetry Society, Poetry Book: A Posy of Poesy; published articles in international encyclopedia(Jefferson, NC,USA: ),McFarland; Asian Profile(Canada); India Quarterly(New Delhi); Indian Journal of Asian Affairs, (Jaipur); and participated in national and international conferences. She had also been a Consulting Editor, Indian Journal of Asian Affairs-an internationally- known journal.
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