It is said that silence gives consent. It’s time for the righteous to arise with a righteous indignation and stand up for truth! It is time to do it God’s way! Away with your lip service, away with your way! The time has come to seek the Lord while He may be found and to call upon Him while He is near. Break the silence and rise up in prayer! Get in the word, put on the whole armor of God with all the artillery of God. Remember you do not war like the world; it is on your knees in prayer in total surrender to God. Do not be deceived, it is time to pray! It is time to become militant about your commitment to God your Father. There is no time for doubt or fear. The Almighty God is with you. You do not have to be afraid. Get up and pray! Pray what? Pray the word of God. Break the silence. Let your voice be heard in prayer and supplication. Break the silence in your standard of living by living a holy life. Start right there in your home, that it would be known that Jesus Christ is Lord. Break the silence for Jesus Christ is truly the door and there is no other way to Your Heavenly Father but through Jesus! Break the silence and stand up for truth and righteousness. Break the silence by embracing His outstretched hand and owning Him as your Lord and king!
Margaret Mullings is a unique woman, with a passion for the presence of God. She is an encourager to the body of Christ, a prayer warrior, song writer and playwright. Margaret just recently discovered a deep passion for poetry and a new found love and appreciation for the performing arts. She is a Pastor's wife, and the mother of six grown children.
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