Words of Love

Words of Love

Author : Diwakar Pokhriyal
Binding : Paperback
ISBN : 978-8182532397
Publisher : Cyberwit.net
Pub.Date : 2011
Price : $15

This book contains few poems that reflect the day to day emotions that we all go through. We share it with someone and enjoy these moment. We wish to capture it forever but this cruel time resists and denies. So I have tried to capture those few special moments in this book. Enjoy the excitement of your love and emotions with me..

About Diwakar Pokhriyal

I am a dim ray in the world of enthralling darkness of misjudgment and iterations. I am a note of melodious tune of peace in the world of cruelty; I am a mischievous thought of freedom in a cage of fear and a syrupy calmness against the rage in tears. I am a smile in the lips of a dying soul; I am a mysterious mist of win over the loss of desires. I am creed, I am love, I am friend , I am smile, I am ...yet I am .........just ...

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