Captured Moments

Captured Moments

Author : D Everett Newell
Binding : Paperback
ISBN : 978-81-8253-231-1
Publisher :
Pub.Date : 2011
Price : $15

D. Everett Newell’s latest collection Captured Moments: Tall Tales and Poems includes short stories and poems. Due to this variety, the book is without monotony. Some of the poems are miraculous. Their beauty does not depend on the subject alone. They reveal a characteristic gift of expression. The poems are full of intense experience. “During isolated moments of intense experience, when the miracle happens, life takes on the intensity of art” (Virginia Woolf). The lyrical gift of D. Everett Newell is undeniable.The poems have a tilting and gracious music of their own. I trust that I can substaniate these judgments by illustrations from the poems: ‘My sojourn has introduced me to all, good and bad’ (“Afraid of Dying”), ‘As I grow older, the more everything seems the same’ (“Blown”), ‘In your eyes we can see a future!, (“Blue eyed Girl”), ‘Someone something save my Sanity’ (“Breaking News, Becomes Just So Much Noise”), ‘War is and will always be Hell on earth’ (“Draft or Daft” ), ‘I sometimes Fall, but I always get up’ (“Fall”), ‘Music in motion, being with you is to glide and float’ (“Fear Drowns Love”). The truth is that in these poems there is something infinitely beautiful in the spontaneous outburst of inspiration, which breaks out as Newell is composing.

- Dr. Santosh Kumar, Editor,