The Dream Collector: Poems, Tanka and Vignettes is Jan Oskar Hansen s one of the finest works nourished upon the best thoughts. The unique and essential quality of these poems and tanka is that Hansen avoids stylistc ornamentation, and coveys the most original thoughts in the simplest language. The subtlety of tanka surprises with intensity. This latest collection reveals a fine blend of the homely and the sublime. Here we find truly great poetry. This is Hansen s monumental collection. He is among the great masters of Poetry.
Jan Oskar Hansen is a poet, story teller and seafarer, born in Stavanger, Norway. He joined the merchant navy at 15 and spent most of his life at sea until settling in the early 90's in Portugal. His poetry has been widely published in hard copy and online, worldwide. Reviewers have generally commented that a love and honoring of living things stands out in Hansen's work, and deep humility; that it reveals with unflinching honesty man's shortcomings in his efforts to love, telling what there is to tell in a first person, deeply resident universal voice.
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