Bush Meat

Bush Meat

Author : Moshé Liba
Binding : Paperback
ISBN : 978-8182532441
Publisher : Cyberwit.net
Pub.Date : 2011
Price : $17

Moshé Liba is one of the greatest writers that the world has produced. He is a great force in literature, extending to foreign countries. Nothing is more impressive than this delightful book Bush Meat including his Short Stories, Essays, Articles, Literary Criticism, Prefaces, Comments. In his newest book he is capable of creating a wide variety of subjects. His article Azsacra, A Poet, A Philosopher, A Man peeps into the hidden recesses of the well-known esoteric philosopher Azsacra s mind and heart.

About Liba (Moshé )

Moshé Liba, 1931

As lecturer, writer and poet, member of the Hebrew Writers Association in Israel, of the Haagse Kunstkring-The Netherlands, and of various other national and international associations, he has lectured and published and is included in anthologies. He contributes regularly to literary, historical and international publications, reviews, periodicals, yearbooks, anthologies, and On-line publications in the Internet. Writing in several languages, he has published 66 books, history books, short stories, essays, literary criticism, children's books, theater-plays, albums, brochures, between them 37 books of poetry-including bilinguals.

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