Life Viewed From A Pavement Cafe In Alte (Portugal)
The most striking quality of the latest poetry collection Life Viewed From A Pavement Cafe In Alte (Portugal) by Jan Oskar Hansen is its power of communication with all other minds. The force of his passions and genius has enabled him to compose poems with a magic power of words. Hansen s words come winged at his bidding in an artless and spontaneous manner. These poems seem to unite pleasure with truth. No doubt, Hansen is one of the greatest contemporary poets due to his remarkable creative power, impassioned thought, intellectual power and intensity of feeling. These poems leave no doubt that Jan Oskar Hansen is a universal poet. The fact is that there is no lack of vitality or slackening of intellectual power in any poem included in this poetry collection. Life Viewed From A Pavement Cafe In Alte (Portugal) is Jan Oskar Hansen s supreme accomplishment.
Jan Oskar Hansen is a poet, story teller and seafarer, born in Stavanger, Norway. He joined the merchant navy at 15 and spent most of his life at sea until settling in the early 90's in Portugal. His poetry has been widely published in hard copy and online, worldwide. Reviewers have generally commented that a love and honoring of living things stands out in Hansen's work, and deep humility; that it reveals with unflinching honesty man's shortcomings in his efforts to love, telling what there is to tell in a first person, deeply resident universal voice.
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