Company Law Analysis and Leadership in Risk Taking

Company Law Analysis and Leadership in Risk Taking

Author : Fernando Messias
Binding : Paperback
ISBN : 9789381696231
Publisher : Rochak Publishing
Pub.Date : 2013
Price : $17

Company Law Analysis and Leadership in Risk Taking - The Portuguese Company Scenario

Company Law Analysis and Leadership in Risk Taking - The Portuguese Company Scenario is a comprehensive approach to company, corporate and commercial Portuguese law analysis and leadership in risk taking. In this book company law and leadership are clearly linked to the everyday work and life experiences within the company. There are some actions that directors can take to reduce the risk of claims for damage to the company following bad business decisions. There are some basic steps that should be taken where it is thought that, although the transaction is in general terms for the benefit of the company. This book offers the ideal way for foreign lawyers, business executives, accountants, and professional advisors, to get a comprehensive understanding of Portugal corporate law. This book represents a unique publication in the English language, and an indispensable tool for anybody who is involved in corporate and leadership topics. The focus is change and how corporate change can be a challenge to managers to found out solutions to prevent litigation risk. Taking my day-to-day professional experience into account, I found out that the lack - or the complete absence - of leadership in organizations is the main reason to organizational failure.

About Fernando Messias

 Fernando Messias nasceu em 1970, em Lisboa, Portugal. É advogado, juíz-árbitro, consultor jurídico em turismo & imobiliário, propriedade intelectual & direito empresarial. É poeta, ensaísta, ficcionista e artista plástico. Em 2009 é distinguido em direito do imobiliário & turismo, direito das empresas & direito da propriedade intelectual pela revista internacional legal 500. Em finais de 2011 foi convidado pela Thomas Jefferson School of Law, São Diego, EUA a redigir um capítulo sobre direito comparado, estrangeiro e doméstico, nas áreas do direito societário, legislação comercial & zona franca da Madeira, Portugal, contribuindo para a edição de International Trust Laws and Analysis, edition 2012-2013. É investigador em turismo, liderança e bem-estar organizacional. É licenciado em direito, pós-graduado em direito do urbanismo e do turismo, especializado em propriedade intelectual, turismo, direito do consumo, economia regional e desenvolvimento local e facilitador em resolução criativa de problemas organizacionais. 

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