Buddha of Europe and Shiva of America

Buddha of Europe and Shiva of America

Author : Azsacra Zarathustra
Binding : Paperback
ISBN : 9788182534209
Publisher : Cyberwit.net
Pub.Date : 2013
Price : $15

The collection of scientific articles about revolutionary Over-philosophy of Azsacra Zarathustra, namely the new types of Spiritual Revolts Shunya-Revolution and the Absolute Revolution. "Start reading his Philosophy, and you are taken into another world, where each word has more meanings, many meanings, short and comprehensive. And you wonder: what meant the philosopher and the mystic, is he writing another Bible? No doubt: he is writing in the short language of the Bible, the Old Bible, of the New Testament, of the Vedas, of the Upanishads..." Moshe Liba


Azsacra Zarathustra is a well known Indo-Aryan philosopher and poet-mystic. He is Editorial Advisor for the international journal of poetry and art "Harvests of New Millennium" (India). He is published in India, Tibet, Japan, Germany, Norway, England, USA.

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