A bitter husband blames his impotency on his wife for having deceived him under layers of petticoats, bustles, corsets, and camisoles. A young man dreams of being a sailor and nearly kills his friend while acting out his dream. An old surfer clings to his past by pursuing a short-tempered young woman with a penchant for violence.
These are just a sampling of the intriguing characters and situations to be found in author James W. White’s collection of short stories.
Jim is a California-based writer of historical, literary and science fiction. He earned an MA in U.S. History. His professional career has included military service, teaching, research librarian and technical writing. Jim is currently serving as President of his town's literary non-profit organization, Benicia Literary Arts. Jim's stories have appeared in Datura Literary Journal, The Wapshott Press, and Remington Review. His fourth novella, Carp Cafe launches in January 2022 through Adelaide Books.
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