“John O’Kane, with his radiant sentences, has captured Venice’s sun-drenched paradise, artists seeking new forms, surfers, lost ones who came looking for community. His sense of the environment, the creative ones & those close to madness is uncanny. An empathetic, humane sextet about the ghosts of Venice splendidly told.”
Harry E. Northup
Poet, Love Poem to MPTF; actor, Taxi Driver
Published 230 essays, articles, and stories in a variety of national venues. My books: Venice, CA: A City State of Mind; A People's Manifesto; Toward Election 2020: Cancel Culture, Censorship, and Class; The Unmaking of the President, 2020; A Venice Quintet; Jukebox Confessionals (contracted, forthcoming); An Accidental Jesus (contracted, forthcoming). Jukebox and Quintet are short story collections An Accidental Jesus is a novel. The others are literary and op-ed journalism. I publish/edit AMASS Magazine and teach writing at UCI.
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