Walking Through My Fire

Walking Through My Fire

Author : Ayin M. Adams
Binding : Paperback (pp: 94)
ISBN : 81-8253-059-8
Publisher : Cyberwit.net
Pub.Date : 2006
Price : $15

Editing and working closely together with author Ayin Adams to give this book its final shape was a unique experience. Ayin allowed me to walk beside her through her fire. Line by line I became an accomplice of the pain and the passion, the joy and the hurt, the defeat and the triumph, the despair and the hope. Walking Through My Fire covers an important chapter in her life. It is a showcase of Ayin's determination with which she walked the long road from early childhood in Brooklyn New York, to slowly growing throughout all the passages of life into the mature, whole, strong, positive human being she is today. Ayin has created for herself, a future full of positive, spiritual strength surrounded by the healing beauty of Maui. Walking Through My Fire is a poetic manifesto of a journey through the past, arriving in the now and looking fearlessly forward into the veiled mystery of the future.

Chronologically this book could have been published before "The Woods Deep Inside Me," yet often among life's road, it is good to stop, look back, make peace with the years and the scars that lay behind and then move ahead. It takes guts to do that, and Ayin Adams has done just that. Readers who have been enchanted by the soul poetry of the first book will easily surrender to the emotional power of "Walking through my Fire".Beware, for it might feel as if a twister has hit you!