Memories & Reflections

Memories & Reflections

Author : Dennis E. Newell
Binding : Paperback (pp: 70)
ISBN : 81-8253-060-1
Publisher :
Pub.Date : 2006
Price : $14

Newell explores a great variety of subjects. One is moved and stimulated by extraordinary images: 'In life there are no farewells' ("Mine Eyes"), 'A jigsaw puzzle is man made of many different pieces' ("Blind Truth"), 'Guns do not kill, people do' ("Columbine Thoughts And Reflections"), 'the moon and the stars, hear me, I am alive' ("Emotional Beings In A Beautiful Land"). Newell as a poet reveals exquisite charm and delicacy of emotions, lucidity of expression, rhythmic felicities and flawless phraseology. He stands high as a poet for his spontaneous use of the magic of language and an exuberant poetic fervour: 'Frustration and anger are emotional twins' ("Frustration, Anger, Emotional Twins"), 'An Eagle is a natural airplane of flight' ("Unfinished Work, Man Is" ), 'To see is to live and to live is to see' ("Words").