"The Futility of Wax" and Other Poems

Author : Donald Edward Kidd
Binding : HB (pp: 80)
ISBN : 81-8253-020-2
Publisher : Cyberwit.net, India
Pub.Date : 2005
Price : $14

Donald Edward Kidd is a pharmacist and writer in Jupiter, Florida, born in St. Louis, Missouri. He writes short stories, novels, possibly poems; composes music; creates digital artwork; and rarely cleans the house. He is haunted by ghosts, especially during the night, and is hopelessly addicted to chocolate.

About Donald Edward Kidd

Donald Edward Kidd is a pharmacist and writer in Jupiter, Florida, born in St. Louis, Missouri. He writes short stories, novels, possibly poems; composes music; creates digital artwork; and rarely cleans the house. He is haunted by ghosts, especially during the night, and is hopelessly addicted to chocolate.

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