Brother Buddha

Brother Buddha

Author : Geert Verbeke
Binding : Paperback (pp: 48)
ISBN : 978-81-8253-094-2
Publisher :, India
Pub.Date : 2007
Price : $12

Geert's haiku have always appealed to me, from a first reading through the many books to this latest. His capability to express profound, intellectual, simple and sad themes with a conversational naturalness. I would not do these haiku a disservice by dissecting them (I leave that to the lab-coated technicians, to fret over a misplaced cesura, or a word too many) I would simply suggest to the reader, open any of Geert's books, and sitting comfortably, let him converse with you  -  like some well-travelled cuddly uncle, eager to share his discoveries with his family.